Sept 24th Comment on the Defra Consultation by Peter Bide
Sept 16th Delivering Sustainable Drainage Systems – Defra Consultation
Defra: ‘The independent review into the causes of the 2007 floods (The Pitt Review) concluded sustainable drainage systems (commonly known as SuDS) were an effective way to reduce the risk of ‘flash-flooding’ which occurs when rainwater rapidly flows into the public sewerage and drainage system, causing overloading and back-up of water to the surface. Typically, sustainable drainage systems slow the rate of surface water run-off and improve infiltration, thus mimicking natural drainage in both rural and urban areas.
Following the Pitt Review, proposals to increase the uptake of sustainable drainage systems in new developments were included in the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and the Government consulted on those proposals from 20 December 2011 to 13 March 2012. In response to that consultation, and in discussions to date, respondents identified a number of concerns that they wanted Government to consider further.
Why We Are Consulting
This consultation document sets out an alternative approach to the one envisaged in Flood and Water Management Act 2010 to deliver effective sustainable drainage systems that will be maintained for the lifetime of the developments they serve. The Government has listened and in response, now wishes to consult on delivering sustainable drainage systems through changes to the current planning regime. We are seeking views on this approach.
Please read the consultation document, attached below, before providing your response.