NEF ‘These five sets of briefings cover: UK marine capture fisheries; Infrastructure, aggregates and shipping; Marine Energy (renewable and non-renewable); Fisheries flows and aquaculture; and Recreation. These broad groups reflect the main socio-economic ‘sectors’ which use the UK marine environment. The series presents information about marine industries in terms of the people they employ (both directly and indirectly through supply chains), their percentage contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP), their profitability and significance to the UK overall economy. The data for this analysis comes from official sources such as the Marine Management Organisation in the UK, The EU Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF), The Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), The Crown Estate, Renewable UK, Oil and Gas UK, the UK Department for Transport and the Office for National Statistics (ONS). A common baseline of up-to-date information (as far as this is possible considering the time-lag for official data source publications), will aid better understanding of the significance of those industries to the UK overall.
Links to key data sources are included in the MSEP data source document. These are official and regularly updated sources of key statistics needed for economic analysis.’