Two articles
1. Highways England has published details of thousands of Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in use on the road network in the Greater London area. The organisation responsible for operating, maintaining and improving England’s motorways and major has published the information in response to a Freedom of Information request about the use of SuDS made under the Environment Information Regulations Act. The inquirer had asked for details on how many outfalls on highways in Greater London area, within and including the M25, have SuDS installed, including swales and filter strips, so that the run-off is treated before it discharges to a local watercourse or river.
The term ‘outfall’ is used by HE to describe an asset that discharges to a surface waterbody – as opposed to the term ‘outlet’ which is used to define discharge into another component of the organisation’s drainage network. Soakaways, which fall within a different asset class, are not included in the definition.
HE says a total number of 663 assets are defined as ‘Outfall’ within the M25 and spur roads.
The response provides further details on the number of outfall asset records within the M25 and spur roads where a point asset flow control device is reported for managing run-off discharging from the strategic road network. Click here to see the assets report
2. Sustainable drainage regulations come into force in Wales
Welsh Government ‘Regulations for Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for new property developments in Wales have come into force on the 7th January 2019.
The mandatory regulations introduced by the Welsh Government will help reduce flood risk and improve water quality.
From now on:
- All new developments of more than 1 house or where the construction area is 100m2 or more, will require sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) for managing surface water.
- Drainage systems for all new developments must be designed and built in accordance with statutory SuDS standards.
- Local authorities will become the SuDS Approving Body (SAB).
SuDS schemes must be approved by the local authority acting in its SAB role before construction work begins. The SAB will have a duty to adopt compliant SuDS so long as it is built and functions in accordance with the approved proposals, including any SAB conditions of approval.