A wealth of information and headlines on the Ofwat website: http://www.ofwat.gov.uk/pricereview/pr14/finaldet Comment – Guardian: ‘Water bills to smash £400 a year barrier despite regulator taking action Ofwat moves to cut bills by 5% – but customers will not see this as they will still rise with inflation The average household water bills will rise to […]

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Abstract ‘Plastic pollution is ubiquitous throughout the marine environment, yet estimates of the global abundance and weight of floating plastics have lacked data, particularly from the Southern Hemisphere and remote regions. Here we report an estimate of the total number of plastic particles and their weight floating in the world’s oceans from 24 expeditions (2007–2013) […]

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Details of the spending on 13 Government funded schemes As a part of the Autumn Statement Government (Defra) have announced 13 major schemes on their website. https://www.gov.uk/government/announcements?departments%5B%5D=department-for-environment-food-rural-affairs Making flood defence consents part of the environmental permitting framework We want to know what you think about our proposals to change flood defence consents by including them […]

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Open government is the simple yet powerful idea that institutions work better for citizens when they are transparent, engaging and accountable. If you’re interested in opening up government budgets, contracts, datasets, decision-making, information, policymaking or public services, we invite you to join the UK Open Government Forum. Click here: http://forum.opengovernment.org.uk/ At the centre of open government […]

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Speaking at a Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) event this morning, the regulator’s director of parliamentary and public affairs Nicci Russell said that by keeping the definition broad and open to interpretation it allows the water companies to meet their own relevant needs. She said that resilience has a “broad scope” and […]

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For MPAs the proof of the pudding is in the management – are Scotland’s proposals just ‘paper parks’ or have they, ‘put the P into protection’ – you judge. ‘Views are being sought on proposed measures to protect some of Scotland’s most important and fragile marine environments. A 12 week public consultation has been launched […]

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Angling and conservation groups are gearing up for a parliamentary debate (Dec 3rd) on the management of sea bass stocks ahead of a crucial meeting of the EU Fisheries Council in Brussels. The debate has been called by Conservative MP George Hollingbery, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Angling, following the outcry over […]

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