Business Wales – Marine Litter Action Plan for Wales (MLAP) ‘The core principles of the Plan are prevention, collaboration and long-term solutions. The Wales Clean Seas Partnership (WCSP) developed the Marine Litter Action Plan (MLAP) for Wales. Welsh Government supported the development of the plan. The MLAP aligns with the Wellbeing of Future Generations (Wales) […]

Read More Fisheries Response Fund The government has announced £10m support for fishing and aquaculture businesses, which will be administered by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). A £9m fund will target those adversely affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. It will contribute to fixed business costs for under-24m vessels. A further £1m grants fund will support local […]

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Welsh Water has extended the registration window for free & confidential pesticide disposal scheme to protect drinking water quality Registration window for new initiative to help farmers, growers and land managers across Wales dispose of pesticide and herbicides extended Registration is now open until Friday 18th October Confidential scheme by Welsh Water safeguards drinking water […]

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Wales consult on marine and fisheries policies post Brexit … Marine and fisheries policies for Wales after Brexit consultation Consultation description We are consulting on the first stage in creating a new policy, management regime, and legislation. We want your views on: fisheries management sustainable fisheries fishing opportunities shellfish and aquaculture trade growth and innovation […]

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The new walking event will celebrate seven years of the 870-mile coast path and aims to encourage locals across Wales to get outdoors, meet new people and appreciate the beautiful Welsh landscapes. Walks will cover seven coastal regions will be organised by the Wales Coast Path and Ramblers Cymru. The festival not only aims to […]

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