The Cumbria floods have prompted this cross – departmental (integrated?) review in to resilience and flooding; even in their press release they seem to have become aware of ‘upstream solutions’. Defra ‘Environment Secretary announces work to identify additional flood protection measures in Cumbria Work to identify additional flood protection measures for Cumbrian communities affected by […]

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Ofwat ‘The publication by Ofwat (Tuesday 1 December) of the report of the Resilience Task and Finish Group is a significant step for the sector as we seek to ensure that our services are resilient, now and in the future. We are pleased that the report recommends a water and wastewater resilience action group to […]

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Rob Lawson: Much has been written about water security risks to business, but to date there has been relatively little attention on the how this relates to the UK private sector.   Artesia Consulting ( recently completed a project for WWF-UK to provide water stewardship resources to companies in the UK, with a focus on water […]

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Resilience is the Cabinet Office approved idea that all the regulators, including Ofwat, are having to come to terms with. The original Cabinet Office definitions looked rather like versions of sustainability repackaged . On a more pragmatic note the challenges of major events like the floods of 2007 and storms and floods of 2014 […]

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Thanks to Bruce Horton for highlighting this report that puts flesh on the bones of the major international challenges facing the water sector A new WWF report examines the physical, regulatory and reputational risks around water management that UK businesses face, both domestically and internationally. It sets out a water stewardship framework to help businesses […]

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Sustainability and resilience are not the same thing but both require a clear assessment of the long term direction of travel. With water companies now having legal duties to deliver both sustainability and resilience this is a helpful set of ideas. Athough it’s American these ideas based on five years of research highlight key areas […]

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Speaking at a Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) event this morning, the regulator’s director of parliamentary and public affairs Nicci Russell said that by keeping the definition broad and open to interpretation it allows the water companies to meet their own relevant needs. She said that resilience has a “broad scope” and […]

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