08 Jun 2021

Global marine renewables leader Ørsted has set an ambition to deliver net-positive biodiversity impacts from all new renewable energy projects it commissions from 2030 at the latest.  “The accelerated global build-out of renewable energy which is needed to decarbonise global energy systems and stop global warming at 1.5°C must take place in balance with nature.” […]

18 May 2021

The Crown Estate has published its ninth Offshore Wind Operational Report, which provides in-depth insight into the progress of the UK’s offshore wind sector. Good News: A new normal for wind and solar   The International Energy Agency (IEA) published its latest forecasts for the global growth of the wind and solar industry this week and […]

18 May 2021

Link to all past MMO Marine planning newsletters Marine Planning newsletter Spring 2021 – 10th May In this issue of the marine planning newsletter you will find: Progress towards adoption of the North East, North West, South East, South West Marine plans Baseline monitoring surveys for the North East, North West, South East and South […]

20 Apr 2021

The Environmental Audit Committee have penned an open letter to Kwasi Kwarteng, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, in which they call for the government to provide support to a home grown tidal industry to help it reach the point of commercialisation. The committee have recognised and highlighted a number of the […]

15 Mar 2021

James Murray Editor Business Green Blog ‘Last week delivered yet another impressive milestone for the world-leading UK offshore wind industry, but for the rest of the green economy it is a reminder of what might have been. Last Thursday was a pretty stellar day for the British wind industry. There was £95m for two massive port […]

19 Jan 2021

The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification), according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today (14 Jan). More targeted actions can help minimise the negative environmental effects of […]

08 Sep 2020

Consultation launched to support marine renewables The consultation will examine how the UK can build back greener through marine renewable projects across the country. New consultation launched on how government can support marine energy projects, such as floating offshore wind farms, tidal stream and wave energy views invited on how project costs could be reduced, […]

16 Jun 2020

Government approves business case for Pembroke Dock Marine project, allowing plans for major new Marine Energy Test Area to move to next phase Plans to build a world leading marine energy hub on the Welsh coast received a boost this week, after the UK and Welsh government approved the business case for the high profile […]