02 Dec 2021

Thanks to Harry Mariano  Homeowners Guide to Flood Safety & Resilience https://www.comparethemarket.com/home-insurance/content/flood-safety/ Compare the Market.com guide, in the guide we cover: The risks of flooding, including how to find the flood risk for your postcode The causes of flooding, from the river to sewer flooding How to protect your home, including flood resistance and flood […]

18 Nov 2021

​Watch this video animation which illustrates the key points of the code CIRIA:   Property flood resilience (PFR) is an important part of our response to flood risk. PFR includes measures that reduce the risks to people and property enabling households and businesses to reduce flood damage, speed up recovery and reoccupation of previously flooded properties. […]

13 Apr 2021

Defra in pre-tender engagement for £120m national property flood resilience framework The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has launched a pre-tender engagement exercise on behalf of the Environment Agency for a new framework for the provision of services and works relating to property flood resilience. Following the introduction of the Property Flood Resilience […]

02 Feb 2021

Defra: ‘Households in areas at risk of flooding that install flood defence measures could soon be able to acquire discounted insurance premiums, under plans outlined by the UK government today. The proposals, which have been launched for consultation, would see insured households that experience flooding not only claim money to cover any damage, but also […]

05 Nov 2020

As winter approaches, flood resilience expert Mary Dhonau, in partnership with Flood Re, has produced an 86 page electronic magazine) showing the measures homeowners in flood risk areas across the country have taken to reduce the impact of flooding on their properties. You can read the free full eMag here. One example in the ‘Property […]

02 Apr 2020

IBS – Mary Dhonau  ‘The floods of this winter (2019/2020) have been relentless, the 5th wettest on record and the wettest February since records began, with nearly 4 times the average monthly rainfall in some areas. The surrounding countryside of my own home, in the City of Worcester, has looked similar to the lake district, miles […]

20 Feb 2020

The Climate Coalition has today published its report ‘Home truths: how climate change is impacting UK homes’, looking at the impacts of climate change on UK homes and the heightened risk of flooding, heatwaves and extreme weather. It states that that around 1.8 million people in the UK are living in an area with significant risk […]

12 Feb 2020

CIRIA Code of Practice for property resilience  Property flood resilience (PFR) is an important part of the response to flood risk. PFR includes measures that reduce the risks to people and property enabling households and businesses to reduce flood damage, speed up recovery and reoccupation. PFR measures should reduce the amount of water entering buildings […]