09 Mar 2024

Marine and coastal sociocultural values review – Research wanted   Ecologos Research, in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory, is currently undertaking a structured review of social and cultural values of UK marine and coastal ecosystems as part of Defra’s Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme. We would like to invite you to submit […]

05 Mar 2024

Defra’s Marine Natural Capital and Ecosystem Assessment (mNCEA) programme is currently undertaking a structured review of social and cultural values of UK marine and coastal ecosystems. Ecologos Research are undertaking the review, in collaboration with Plymouth Marine Laboratory. They are asking the marine and coastal social science and arts and humanities community to submit links to relevant studies and […]

15 Nov 2022

The UKRI-supported ‘Sea the Value’ project is aimed at determining the economic, ecological and socio-cultural value of marine ecosystems. Following the UK Government Dasgupta Review, which found that biodiversity must be embedded in decision making to support nature recovery and halt biodiversity loss, a £6.4m funding package by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has been announced […]

14 Jun 2021

PML: On World Oceans Day, and ahead of the G7 later in the week, leading UK experts from Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and partners shone a spotlight on the critical role the ocean plays in greatly slowing the rate of climate change but also the subsequent impacts of this and why support from nations for […]

21 Apr 2020

Failure to consider the wider environmental impacts of nature-based interventions risks increasing global warming and damaging the environment, warns a new report from the Natural Capital Committee (NCC), featuring research from Plymouth Marine Laboratory. Nature-based interventions, such as tree planting, peatland restoration, and marine habitat protection, can help to reduce the volume of greenhouse gases […]

16 May 2017

PML ‘If you haven’t already done so, by the end of May, please take time to complete a questionnaire for a survey that is being conducted by researchers at Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) to assess the evidence on the economic benefits of marine protected areas and other spatial protection measures? The survey can be accessed […]

09 May 2017

This is also important because of the links between microplastics and other organic pollutants that can then start their route into the food chain. Microplastics have been documented in marine environments worldwide, where they pose a potential risk to biota. Environmental interactions between microplastics and lower trophic organisms are poorly understood. Coastal shelf seas are […]