06 May 2024

A recently released report titled “Legacy Plastics” suggests that community driven beach cleanups could be a more cost-effective strategy to removing large, macroplastics compared to trials testing novel technologies. However, preventing plastics from entering the environment must be a policy priority. The report, released by the Royal Society at the same time as the latest […]

30 Apr 2024

The UK’s bottle deposit and return scheme (DRS) has faced yet another delay, pushing its launch back to October 2027, four years later than originally planned. The BBC has reported that the delay was primarily attributed to disagreements between the UK and Welsh governments over whether to include glass in the scheme. Prolonged negotiations Initially, […]

17 Jan 2024

Over recent years, there has been rising concern that tiny particles known as microplastics are showing up basically everywhere on Earth, from polar ice to soil, drinking water and food. Formed when plastics break down into progressively smaller bits, these particles are being consumed by humans and other creatures, with unknown potential health and ecosystem […]

31 Oct 2023

The Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products) (Wales) Act 2023 now come into force making it a criminal offence to supply or offer to supply (including for free) certain single-use plastic products to consumers in Wales.  The purpose of the new law is to reduce the flow of plastic pollution into the environment by prohibiting the […]

18 Oct 2023

The Defra press release highlights UK-wide consultation launched to ban wet wipes containing plastic Proposed ban will tackle plastic pollution in marine environment and reduce microplastics entering wastewater treatment plants Proposal delivers on the UK Government’s Plan for Water, delivering more investment, stronger regulation and tougher enforcement across the water system A consultation on banning wet wipes […]

17 Oct 2023

The UK Government, Welsh Government, Scottish Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs for Northern Ireland are seeking views on a proposed ban on the manufacture, supply and sale of wet wipes containing plastic. The proposed ban, subject to consultation outcomes, would be applied by individual countries in the UK and be […]

14 Jun 2023

Restrictions should be put on bottled water advertising and a 10p tax should be added to shrink-wrapped packs to curb the UK’s 10m bottle-a-day habit, according to campaigners hoping to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. In a policy paper produced by the consultancy Retail Economics, Brita said market sales of bottled water had grown to […]