05 Jan 2023

The American space agency Nasa has launched a satellite that’s expected to transform our view of water on Earth. The Swot mission will map the precise height of rivers, reservoirs and lakes, and track ocean surface features at unprecedented scales.  It should improve flood and drought forecasts, and help researchers better understand how the climate […]

22 May 2018

A major new satellite-based study by NASA warns that water shortages will be the key environmental challenge of the century. It finds that freshwater supplies have already seriously declined in 19 global hotspots – from China to the Caspian Sea – due to overuse. Areas in northern and eastern India, the Middle East, California and […]

30 Mar 2016

Climate change experts always warn of exceptional weather and earlier this year we highlighted this in relation to the northern floods and rainfall levels. This set of five articles outlines how thinking is changing on: 1 & 2  How scientists are attributing exceptional weather events to climate change 3 – 5  Cover more extremes: global temperatures […]

07 Dec 2015

The Paris Climate change conference (COP21) will come to its end on Friday (11th December) We will be doing  let me know if there is anything particularly useful interesting on the outputs: Follow it day by day on   http://www.cop21.gouv.fr/en/ Here are two useful interesting videos.  What does ocean acidification look like?  Jason Hall-Spencer Marine scientists […]

18 Sep 2015

Seas around the world have risen an average of nearly 3 inches (8 centimetres ) since 1992, with some locations rising by more than 9 inches due to natural variation according to Nasa and its partners. Intensive research is pointing the way to the unavoidable rise and working on locational differences which can be vary […]