23 Jul 2019

The Times has run the article below raising the concerns of NGOs on the impact of the cooling water intakes on fish populations in the Severn estuary. There is a consultation underway – nearly closed – on this issue – time to comment!  Bob Earll  ‘Nuclear power plant will suck fish to their deaths’ The […]

30 Apr 2019

The entrainment and capture of fish on screens for cooling water intakes of power stations is relatively well understood. The status of many migratory fish stocks that use estuaries are in many regions under threat. One would have thought that any devices that mitigated against unwanted bycatch of fish by cooling intakes would have been […]

30 Jun 2016

No plan – business as usual for at least the next two years?      Bob Earll  Whilst the Government is putting a brave face on it and moving on there seems to have been little contingency planning outside the Treasury and Bank of England. The Leave campaign had no plan. So the plan for Brexit remains to be set […]

27 Jun 2016

During the Brexit debate, and purdah, Government put many things on hold. Given the outcome and the political and economic situation for the next six months or more it seems that many big decisions will be further delayed, if they take place at all; these include: Hinkley Point nuclear build – The French might be […]