05 Oct 2017

Defra consultation   Water quality: updating the public and private drinking water regulations Defra ‘We want to know what you think about our plans to update the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2016 (‘public regulations’) and the Private Water Supplies (England) Regulations 2016 (‘private regulations’). These changes will only apply to England. The changes will bring […]

30 Aug 2017

The Environment Agency is calling on anglers and netsmen to have their say on potential salmon rod and net limitations through an initial consultation launched on Thursday 24 August 2017. The consultation aims to understand how the Environment Agency can better manage salmon fishing in England and the Border Esk in order to reduce the […]

08 Feb 2017

The Crown Estate in Scotland includes a diverse portfolio of property, rights and interests that influence many aspects of rural and coastal life in Scotland. This consultation is an opportunity to help shape the long term framework for the devolved management of the Crown Estate in Scotland and how the revenue should be used to […]

03 Jan 2017

Defra has launched a consultation including marine stakeholders for the EU Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive (2014/52/EU) into national legislation.  This joint technical consultation makes changes to Defra’s EIA Regulations on Forestry, Agriculture, Water Resources, Land Drainage and Marine Works. As a marine stakeholder you may have an interest in the Marine Works (EIA) Regulations […]

03 Jan 2017

Two notes: Defra, the Scottish Government, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs in Northern Ireland have launched a consultation today. We are seeking views on the UK’s proposed ban on the manufacture and sale of cosmetics and personal care products containing microbeads which may harm the marine environment. The […]

07 Nov 2016

Consultation on the Draft South Marine Plans: The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is delighted to announce that the consultation on the Draft South Marine Plans will take place be between 7 November 2016 and 27 January 2017. The consultation gives interested parties the chance to share their views and opinions on the Draft marine plan […]

17 Jan 2016

The Environment Agency is seeking views on proposed changes to charges for permitting for flood risk activities so they better reflect the costs to provide this service. The current £50 charge for a flood defence consent has been in place since 1991, but does not cover our costs to provide this service. The government expects […]