Business Green commentary on the draft final agreement BBC COP26: Draft deal calls for stronger carbon cutting targets by end of 2022 Countries are being urged to strengthen their carbon-cutting targets by the end of 2022 in a draft agreement published at the COP26 Glasgow climate summit. The document says vulnerable nations must get […]

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Ocean Stewardship Coalition Our ocean holds several solutions to address the twin crises of biodiversity and climate change. To unlock this potential, a ‘climate-smart’ approach to the ocean is increasingly vital. This blueprint puts forward six key steps to unlock a climate-smart ocean to meet the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C temperature goal. Each step has clearly […]

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Drought risk in the Anthropocene: from the Jaws of Death to the Waters of Life Sir James Bevan – Chief Executive of the Environment Agency, at a Royal Society Conference, 19 October 2021. ‘Thank you. Let me start with a disclaimer: I’m heavily outgunned by the expertise here today. Some of what I’m about to […]

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The World Meteorological Society’s State of the Global Climate report was released this week. Among many extremes from wildfires to floods, it outlined that Sea Level Rise hit news heights in 2021. Grim reading … a few key messages Atmospheric concentrations of the major greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, continued to increase in 2020 […]

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UNEP ‘Climate change: UN emissions gap report a ‘thundering wake-up call’ National plans to cut carbon fall far short of what’s needed to avert dangerous climate change, according to the UN Environment Programme. Their Emissions Gap report says country pledges will fail to keep the global temperature under 1.5C this century. The Unep analysis suggests the world […]

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RYA env & sustainability The Royal Yachting Association (RYA) has recently sent out a detailed set of information about its commitment to sustainability and environment and climate change action. This is a clear statement about its intentions which relate to a very important group of recreational users who can be advocates for greater action […]

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