22 Jul 2014

“The Green Blob” – Owen’s gift to satirists – you couldn’t make it up, and this from what was to be ‘the Greenest Government ever’. Owen Paterson’s article in the Sunday Telegraph sheds interesting light on this Government’s views on environment.  Click here to read it.

22 Jul 2014

This fourth Defra newsletter provides an update on SuDS implementation, and includes the draft National Standards. It also provides a link to the stakeholder-led guidance; describes the outcome of the recent survey conducted to assess local authority preparedness; and gives a summary of the table top testing exercise held with a small group of local […]

22 Jul 2014

MMO ‘The draft vision and objectives outline how the south plan areas could change in the next 20 years, and what needs to happen to reach that point. They cover the marine plan areas that stretch from Folkestone to the River Dart in Devon, and aim to ensure the waters around the south coast are […]

11 Jul 2014

In 1998 Daniel Pauly and co-workers published a paper in Science describing the concept of fishing down the food chain using FAO landings data. Recent and forthcoming publication of papers using ICES landings data demonstrate that fishing down the food chain in UK waters is now a reality and that its impacts are wide ranging […]

11 Jul 2014

Concerns are being raised about this bill not least in relation to the ‘transfer of public land to the Government Homes and Communities Agency will relatively few strings. This looks like re-igniting the forest sell-off campaign issue. Planning Portal  ‘The new legislation which changes the management of major roads, streamlines the planning process for major […]

11 Jul 2014

REA   July 8th  ‘The Crown Estate has boosted the UK wave and tidal sector today by confirming leasing agreements for new wave and tidal stream energy sites, as well as plans for a future leasing round for tidal range projects.   The leasing agreements announced today [1] will help bring forward five new wave and […]