This article highlights three current new items involving coastal and marine developments. Coastal Quarrying: Developers plan to quarry millions of tonnes of rocks in Cornwall order to construct tidal energy lagoon in Swansea Bay Plans to quarry rocks for a new Government-backed green energy scheme could devastate a quiet rural area of the Cornish coastline, […]

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Sardines, anchovies and mackerels play a crucial role in marine ecosystems, as well as having a high commercial value. However, the warming of waters makes them vanish from their usual seas and migrate north, as confirmed by a pioneering study analysing 57,000 fish censuses from 40 years. The researchers warn that coastal towns dependent on […]

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Environment Agency   A new approach is being taken to support catchment partnerships and distribute funds in the 2015/16 period. Every catchment partnership will be given the opportunity to submit an application to deliver projects in line with the Catchment Partnership Action Fund (CPAF) guidelines . £4.775 million has been awarded which would equate to £46K […]

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HM Government ‘The Infrastructure Act became law today (12 February 2015) enshrining new measures to make it easier, quicker and simpler to get Britain building. The act will allow the creation of Highways England, a government-owned company which will use access to long term stable funding to ensure improvements on the country’s major road network […]

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MMO ‘The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently preparing marine plans for the South Inshore and South Offshore Marine Plan Areas. The MMO has already undertaken a number of stages of plan preparation; analysing the evidence, identifying issues, drafting the Vision and Objectives. For information on the South marine planning process to date please go […]

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The UK is increasingly under threat from the effects of climate change – which in turn could increase inequalities and disadvantage. A new website launched today – Climate Just – is designed to help local authorities and other organisations working on climate change, or working with vulnerable communities, to respond to this challenge. The site […]

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Precautionary or proportionate?   NB: This image is a conceptual illustration of the relationship between ‘precaution’ and ‘proportion’ – it does not represent any numerical analysis of the relationship between the two. Explanation: Much of the discussion around ‘better’ or ‘smarter regulation’ is entrenched in a perceived conflict between those calling for a ‘proportionate’ or […]

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In NEFs working paper on bass we recommend seven key steps to recovery: Chris Williams  NEF ‘Before Christmas I wrote about the need for urgent action to protect dwindling numbers of bass in European seas. Some good news came last week – the European Commission has agreed Emergency Measures to prevent a total collapse […]

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