This prospectus outlines a new government programme inviting the creation of Coastal Community Teams. These teams will be provided with £10,000 of grant funding, via the local authority, to help them develop their economic plan.   Areas wishing to establish a Coastal Community Team should can go to the website for more information and the application […]

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The good thing about Guardian coverage of the issues is the wide range of additional links they provide. In addition to highlighting the start of negotiations with Government, it points to the peculiar funding arrangements our energy provision seems now depend upon.  The article highlights the considerable support in the budget for the offshore oil […]

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The Sustainability Research Institute at the University of Leeds has published a report looking at how local government in Britain is making progress in adaptation to climate change. Comparing new data with similar evidence from 2003, the study shows that local authority staff now have good access to technical climate risk information. However, this knowledge […]

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Griffin Carpenter – New Economics Foundation  We’re not good at managing our natural resources. Our analysis shows overfishing in EU waters has cost us EUR7.1 billion in the last 5 years alone. <> We need to change this. And that’s where my new model comes in. The Bio-Economic Model of European Fleets (BEMEF for short) […]

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The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has published research undertaken by the UK environmental economics consultancy, eftec and marine consultancy ABPmer into how the MMO can improve the implementation of the ecosystem approach in marine planning. In undertaking marine planning, the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is required by the Marine Policy Statement to use the ecosystem approach, […]

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On this site, you’ll be able to keep up to date with our project to harness natural power from the rise of fall of the tides in the Severn Estuary. Our proposals are at an early stage. So far we’ve requested a Scoping Opinion for the project from the Planning Inspectorate and will continue to develop […]

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