Several generations of us have grown up knowing what good process looks like. A great success was the Defra work leading to the Marine & Coastal Access Act which was deliberate and clear from the outset through to the completion of the Act. The unfolding ‘process’ of the T3 MCZs is a rather strange, ‘soundings’ before consultation. This could be rectified by a simple announcement from Defra on the process to final designation.
Oh yes and Dorset Wildlife trust are running a naming competition for MCZs; we have now selected the top 10 site names which have been entered into a public poll.
key points:
- There is no consultation yet; NE are taking soundings – see the extensive RYA programme below
- Defra are considering new sites and JNCC and NE have offered over 50 options so far which are listed on the JNCC website.
- Not clear when the formal consultation will begin
- Likely target for T3 designation Autumn 2018
RYA – ‘Marine Conservation Zones stakeholder events for South and South West
Don’t miss your chance to find out more about Tranche 3 MCZs Defra has now embarked on Tranche 3 (the final tranche) of the Marine Conservation Zone designation programme. The aim of this tranche is to complete the Blue Belt, an ecologically coherent network of well-managed marine protected areas around England.
Through this process, Natural England’s role will be to provide evidence-based scientific advice. Most of the site options will come from the 2011 Regional Projects, however, a small number of new site options and third-party proposed highly mobile species sites are under consideration to ensure the goal of ecological coherence is met.
Defra will announce the final list of sites and features to be formally considered in Tranche 3 at the beginning of the formal consultation period, scheduled for late summer/autumn 2017. However, in the coming months, Defra and Natural England will work together to ensure that these sites meet certain criteria and evidence standards. The Minister will use advice from Natural England, along with socio-economic information, to make the final designation decisions. Sites will be designated in 2018, within one year of the public consultation period commencing.
The RYA closely monitors MCZ developments and provides regular updates on the progress of MCZs/MPAs through the Current Affairs hub on the website, its range of e-newsletters and the quarterly RYA Magazine. For further information, see
RYA members can contact the RYA Planning and Environment team should they have any enquiries on 023 8060 4222 or
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