Chief Executive’s Blog – A place that is great for living in and sits responsibly within our world
Terry Fuller CEO, CIWEM on a meeting with Defra ‘Last week I said that I would provide an update on some of our policy and engagement activities. As you will appreciate there is much to do in the UK at the moment as we work out how we are going to create successful future outside of the EU.
Our membership and partner organisations are all interested in the impacts and opportunities for our environment in the UK post-Brexit. This week I met with Defra to discuss their 25 year plan for the natural environment. This was due to be issued in draft this summer with final publication at the end of the year. This has been delayed to take the opportunity to expand the scope of the plan to consider a long-term vision for the type of environment we want in Britain outside of the EU.
The programme
Autumn 2016 – Aiming for consultation on the principles including objectives, pillars of reform and design principles.
Summer 2017 – Completion of the plan
The plan derives from the 2011 Natural Ecosystem Assessment and the 2011 Natural Environment White Paper. In 2015 The Natural Capital Committee’s third State of Natural Capital Report recommended that Government produce a clear 25 year plan to enhance the environment (natural capital). The Conservative manifesto then contained a commitment to develop a 25 year plan to “restore the UK’s biodiversity and to ensure that both the public and private investment in the environment is directed where we need it most”. The production of this plan forms part of Defra’s strategy to 2020 and is to involve the ‘Defra Group’ including The Environment Agency, Natural England and The Forestry Commission. To read more click here