The Scottish Government has published a new report presenting an analysis of responses to the consultation on proposed fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The consultation took place between August and October 2024, seeking stakeholder input on the implementation of management measures across 20 MPAs and amending the boundary of the West of Scotland MPA.
The core of the debate centred on two distinct approaches: zonal fisheries management versus full site closures. Collecting nearly 3,900 responses, the key takeaways from the analysis were summarised as below:
“The consultation revealed a fundamental divide between advocates of conservation and industry stakeholders when it came to zonal or full site measures. Proponents of full site measures underscored the importance of environmental issues and long term recovery, while supporters of zonal measures argued for stakeholder inclusivity and a proportionate approach which also allowed for industry to continue to operate in these areas while achieving environmental goals.”
The Scottish Government is tasked with analysing these responses to develop the final management measures for each MPA. The engagement process was criticised by some, particularly EU based stakeholders that felt excluded from the consultation process post-Brexit. With potential implications for broader marine policy across the UK, all stakeholders will now anticipate the regulatory outcomes, which will influence the future economic and ecological resilience of Scottish Seas.