Europe’s water is under pressure from pollution, over-use, habitat degradation and increasing impacts of climate change. Improving the resilience and health of Europe’s lakes, rivers and groundwaters is an urgent priority to secure good-quality water for people and nature.
Photo credit: David Ruh
‘EEA Signals 2024 – Towards healthy and resilient waters in Europe’ gives an overview of key challenges and opportunities about improving the health and resilience of Europe’s waters. The report consists of an editorial by EEA Executive Director, Leena Ylä-Mononen, and collection of interviews and short articles that are based on previously published EEA knowledge.
Based on the recently published ‘Europe’s state of water’ report, EEA Signals articles focus on water and nature, pollution and climate change, and also have a closer look at the story of improving bathing water quality in Europe. Each article also includes a box on what citizens can do.
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