In the build up to Paris we will get more and more of this type of material but will it make a difference to George Osborne & Co. From post-election decisions apparently not.
Ocean scientists give stark warning to governments ahead of Paris climate negotiations
UK Ocean Acidification Association ‘A healthy ocean is essential for a healthy planet, and ultimately our own survival. Yet the life-giving seas are under serious threat. Now a group of leading marine scientists are calling on policy makers to heed their warnings to ensure that the ocean and its future sustainability are given the attention they scientifically deserve at forthcoming climate negotiations.’
To read more go to:
Climate Change Committee Report
This is the Committee’s first report to the new Parliament and the first report under sections 36 and 59 of the Climate Change Act, covering both progress towards meeting carbon budgets and progress on adaptation to climate change. It includes the CCC’s first ever statutory assessment of the National Adaptation Programme
Different editorials have lead on different aspects of this – there is a strong message that more action is needed.
The Guardian has highlight the CCC’s comments on the issue of burning as a management technique in the uplands
James Murray – Blog – BusinessGreen; Climate Change Committee’s warnings must be heeded – Commentary – to read more go to: