The Environment Agency has completed a new flood risk management project to better protect hundreds of homes and businesses on the east side of Hull from flooding.
Castlehill Aquagreen is a key part of the second phase of the £28 million pound Holderness Drain Flood Alleviation Scheme which when fully complete, will reduce the risk of flooding for over 800 homes in Sutton and North Carr by storing water during times of flood.
Plans for the second phase of the aquagreen project were approved and planning permission granted by Hull City Council and East Riding of Yorkshire in 2022, with construction starting in the spring /summer of that year.
The aquagreen, south of the old Bransholme Dairy Farm, like aquagreens in other parts of Hull, will be dry in normal weather but can store water when conditions demand it.
Once the peak of a flood event has passed, the site will release water slowly back into Holderness Drain.
Additional benefits resulting from the scheme include the creation of green space for people to enjoy and work done to protect, and improve access to, the Castle Hill ancient monument.
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