A Private Members Bill to regulate and limit bottom trawling in MPAs, introduced by Baroness Ritchie of Downpatrick, has had its first reading in the House of Lords. As currently drafted it states that the regulations must prohibit bottom trawling in MPAs. These are defined as including Marine Conservation Zones, Nature Conservation Marine Protected Areas, Highly Protected Marine Areas, and; a Special Area of Conservation, a Special Protection Area, a Site of Special Scientific Interest, and an Area of Special Scientific Interest in a marine environment, or a marine Ramsar Site.

The draft Bill also allows for any such regulations to make associated provisions on licensing and enforcement as well as conferring power on the Marine Management Organisation and Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authorities. They may also create a criminal offence, punishable with a fine, in respect of failures to comply with the regulations.

The second reading of the Bill in the House of Lords is scheduled for the 6th September.

Current text of the Marine Protected Areas (Bottom Trawling) Bill


Credit: The Marine Management Organisation

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