The Severn Estuary Commission invites responses to a Call for Information. In its news release the Commission states it ‘is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding of the Severn Estuary and its potential for using tidal energy to generate electricity. As part of that initiative, we invite you to contribute by sharing your insights, experience, and evidence related to the estuary. We firmly believe that gathering evidence from a wide range of sources will lead to better informed decision-making and more comprehensive outcomes.’
The Severn Estuary Commission was set up by the Western Gateway in Spring 2022, a coalition of politicians, business and public sector leaders and academics covering an area stretching from Swansea to Swindon and straddling the Severn, designed to rival the Northern Powerhouse and Midlands Engine.
In March 2024 experts met for the first time in Cardiff as part of the Commission to re-examine the potential for a tidal energy scheme in the area.
The Commission has said they will be publishing a new report from the consultants WSP explaining why there is now a case to re-examine the potential of the estuary to deliver sustainable energy.
The estuary is home to the highest tidal range in Europe with some estimates suggesting it can provide up to 7% of the UK’s electricity needs.
Call for Information Objective and Requirements
The objective of the Call for Information is to identify information – such as potential project data from developers, policy references, or any other data relating to engineering, environmental, or socio-economic matters – relevant to the Severn Estuary and its potential for tidal energy.
The Commission would like to emphasise that they are not asking organisations to draft responses to any particular plan or project, but rather provide access to existing work undertaken by them, or information held by them, which may be relevant to Western Gateway’s objectives in studying the Severn Estuary as a source of tidal energy.
The information submitted will be used as a basis for the stakeholder engagement. Evidence is especially sought in relation to relevant data and research relating to the Severn Estuary, and the impact of tidal energy projects in the estuary or more generally, with particular regard to:
- Effects on the estuary’s hydraulic, geomorphological, and sedimentation regimes
- Associated sub‐tidal and inter‐tidal habitat and species changes
- Ornithological impacts, e.g. consequences of changes in inter‐tidal habitats on bird populations
- Effects on water quality and surface and groundwater resources
- Effects on fish movements and spawning, arising from physical barriers, and changes in water chemistry
- Flood risk management and land drainage implications
- Current and future marine energy development
- Other uses of the estuary and seabed
- Effects arising from major structures
- Effects on navigation and commercial port trade
- Sea disposal and marine aggregate dredging
- Effects on commercial fishing
- Landscape and seascape effects
- Effects on areas identified as of potential archaeological or cultural heritage importance
- Potential socio‐economic costs & benefits
- Carbon footprint, resource efficiency, and waste
Further information:
Here is a summary list of relevant policy references and project references already collated by Western Gateway. The Commission would like to determine if there are any additional sources of information that it should consider in its work.
Any relevant information should be sent by email to
Responses should be sent by email to be received by 3rd May 2024.
Information on the Severn Estuary Commission can be read here.
Further information on the Call for Information can be found here.