The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is intensifying efforts to safeguard the safe transportation of plastic pellets on ships, recognizing the potential environmental damage if released into the sea.
During the meeting at IMO Headquarters from February 19 to 23, the Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 11) reached a consensus on draft recommendations for sea carriage and cleanup guidelines for plastic pellet spills. Plastic pellets, widely used as raw materials, are transported by the tonne in freight containers. Ocean spills can harm marine life, impacting fishing, aquaculture, and tourism. A notable incident occurred off the coast of Galicia in Spain, where millions of pellets washed ashore after an accidental ship release.
Minimising marine hazards
Draft recommendations for transporting plastic pellets in freight containers include using robust packaging to withstand transport shocks, preventing content loss. Transport information should clearly identify containers with plastic pellets, and shippers should request proper stowage. Freight containers must be stowed under deck or inboard in sheltered areas to minimize marine hazards without compromising safety. These prevention measures aim to address potential spills and will undergo urgent consideration by the Marine Environment Protection Committee at MEPC 81 in March 2024.
These guidelines will be updated based on industry experience and submitted for consideration at MEPC 82 in October. The Sub-Committee encourages Member States to implement the guidelines early.
The Sub-Committee also discussed potential amendments to IMO mandatory instruments related to plastic pellets, with ongoing discussions planned for future sessions.
PPR 11 also addressed key issues like the impact of Black Carbon emissions in the Arctic, in-water cleaning guidance for the 2023 Biofouling Guidelines, discharge water from exhaust gas cleaning systems, improving sewage treatment plant performance, and reporting lost fishing gear.
Read the note of the full IMO meeting here.