Processing businesses encouraged to participate in survey which supports data collection and analysis for industry and government. Seafish, a UK public body supporting the seafood sector, have launched their annual processing survey.
The processing survey consists of a five-minute call and short follow-up email. It collects data which helps government understand how businesses and communities are impacted by local, national, and international events. This information can also be used by businesses to provide evidence to government of challenges within the industry.
Ana Witteveen, Seafish’s Senior Economic Advisor and the project lead on the processing survey said: “The processing survey underpins all our data and insight on the seafood processing sector. An initial call allows us to ensure that we have accurate information on processing sites across the UK and when financial data is shared this allows us to build up a comprehensive picture of the industry’s economic performance. We apply strict confidentially rules so businesses can be assured that their information is protected.
This data is used to provide evidence for discussions with industry and government. I’d encourage all processing businesses to engage with our researchers during the survey to make sure their voice is heard.”
2023 processing survey timings
The timeline for the 2023 survey is:
- April to June: Survey period
- July to September: Data collation and analysis
- October to December: Share results with industry and government
Seafish will attempt to contact all UK seafood processing businesses and invite them to take part.
If you have questions about the survey email
Further information can be read here.