English and Irish organisations are looking for boats owners to participate in Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) trials. REM is a technology that allows for the remote monitoring of fishing vessels, providing valuable information on fishing activity and compliance with regulative requirements.
Devon and Severn
The Devon and Severn Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authority (D&S IFCA) are offering fishing boat owners the opportunity to take part in its trials of REM on board mobile fishing gear vessels.
D&S IFCA has already been trialling the REM technology on board one scallop vessel since 2021 and the project intends to build on the success achieved so far.
By extending the project, D&S IFCA wants to further demonstrate:
- the robustness of the technology, and how it can be adapted to different vessels and fishing methods;
- how management measures can be changed to provide benefits to fishers;
- how fishers’ privacy is protected;
- how fishers can use the technology to potentially improve their businesses – e.g. marketing of catch, security of vessel and health and safety considerations;
- how REM can be used as an effective and cheaper alternative to existing spatial monitoring;
- how the protection of the Marine Protected Areas can be enhanced.
The REM technology, that is placed on board the vessel, consists of two cameras and two sensors (attached to doors or towing plate), an IVMS tracking device (not MMO type approved) and a Digital Video Recorder. The devices will be installed, and if requested by the owner, uninstalled by professional engineers. No permanent fixing to the vessel is required.
Meanwhile, in Ireland, the Sea-Fisheries Protection Authority (SFPA) is seeking a number of Irish registered fishing vessels to participate in a REM pilot project, which is part of a larger European Union, North-Western Waters (NWW) REM initiative.
The SFPA has written to Fisheries Producer Organisations to encourage participation in the REM pilot project. Commenting on the REM pilot project, SFPA Executive Chairperson Paschal Hayes said:
“We believe that this technology has the potential to bring significant benefits to the Irish fishing industry and in assisting the SFPA to fulfil its control and enforcement mandate for all fishing vessels operating in Ireland’s EEZ. Efforts by SFPA personnel to secure volunteer fishing vessels to participate in the REM pilot project have, to date, proved unsuccessful. Therefore, we are seeking the advocacy of Ireland’s Fishery Producer Organisations to encourage a small number of Irish registered fishing vessels to participate in the REM pilot project. The SFPA wishes to work with the Irish fishing industry to manage the introduction of REM, and to explore its potential benefits as well as address any concerns through the pilot project.”
Further information can be found on the D&S IFCA and SFPA websites.
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