From waterwise
Defra, the Environment Agency and Ofwat have written to the chairs of the five regional water resource planning groups in England to confirm that they expect the groups to continue and deliver a further round of regional multi-sector water resource planning. The regulators highlight the benefits of working beyond company boundaries, optimising water supply solutions, engaging other sectors in water resources planning and working collaboratively on environmental improvement. Consultation responses on the current round of regional plans need to be submitted by mid-February 2023. Waterwise Asks of the regional plans are here.
Also, a nice article from CIWEM on experiences of regional water resources planning.
As pressures on our water resources mount and the need to share and develop new resources, increase efficiency and build resilience grows, a more nationally-coordinated approach to planning future water supplies was needed. Under the Environment Agency’s National Framework, regional groups were formed covering the whole of the country to build up a picture of future resources needs and moving beyond company-only water resources management planning.
Read CIWEM’s experiences of regional water resources planning.