The Scottish Government has published their delivery plan for the Blue Economy Vision, which was published in March 2022.
The document, ‘Delivering Scotland’s Blue Economy Approach’, was launched at the end of November and sets out the first phase of delivery towards the Vision.
Mairi Gougeon, Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, said in the Foreword to the delivery plan: ‘Earlier this year, I published the Blue Economy Vision for Scotland. The Vision set out, for the first time, a long-term, outcomes based approach for the management of our marine environment. It provides an overarching framing for Scotland’s marine policies, plans and decisions.
Under the Vision for 2045, we defined six interconnected outcomes to achieve social, environmental and economic goals, in tandem, for our seas, coasts and inter-linked freshwater habitats.
Within our Vision, we recognise the importance of Scotland’s seas and coasts, including through their many and varied contributions to our food security, sustaining biodiversity, regulating our climate, supporting economic prosperity, nourishing our wellbeing and underpinning our cultural heritage.
This document provides an illustration of where Scotland’s Blue Economy is now. It sets out the current status of our marine environment, economy and society, and how planned policies and actions will help to drive progress. The document serves as the foundation for a national dialogue with our stakeholders to help us identify new strategic priorities and opportunities.
All of Scotland’s society, including the public sector, businesses and organisations, communities and private individuals will have a role to play in achieving our Vision. With a shared ambition and coherent strategies, I look forward to building collective ownership of our Blue Economy so that all of Scotland’s citizens, visitors and future generations can benefit from our vibrant seas and rich marine environment.’
The full version of the foreword and further details can be read on the Scottish Government’s website here. The full delivery plan from the Scottish Government can be read here.