Sir James Bevan, the CEO of the Environment Agency, has said that Britons need to be ‘less squeamish’ about drinking water from sewage. Writing in the Sunday Times [paywall] and reported in the Guardian and Evening Standard.

He said it was “perfectly safe and healthy, but not something many fancy”. Sir James Bevan outlined measures ministers, water companies and ordinary people should take to avoid severe droughts.

He believes homeowners must seriously consider drinking recycled lavatory water or face the threat of shortages in as little as 20 years.

He said: “Part of the solution will be to reprocess the water that results from sewage treatment and turn it back into drinking water – perfectly safe and healthy, but not something many people fancy.”

Bevan admitted the move would be “unpopular” and reactions on social media have been mixed but he said there was a need to “change how we think about water”.

“We need to remember where it comes from: when we turn on the tap, what comes out started in a river, lake or aquifer. The more we take, the more we drain those sources and put stress on nature and wildlife.”

“We need to treat water as a precious resource, not a free good. We will have to be more selective about what we use drinking water for. It makes no sense to use it to clean the car or water the lawn.

“Each of us can be part of the solution, starting now. Small things make a big difference. Take showers, not baths. Cram the dishwasher or washing machine and only run it when it’s full. Turn off the tap when brushing your teeth. Fix leaks: many are in our own homes, not water company pipes. Get a water meter: your company will install one free. Outside the house, get a water butt: plants prefer rainwater. Use a watering can, not a hose, and don’t water the grass – it doesn’t need it.

“Use water wisely” is not a slogan. It’s a guide for how to survive. Let’s follow it,” he added.

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