The Water Research Foundation (WRF) works with subscribers and partners to deliver research to address the most pressing needs of the water sector in a holistic manner. WRF’s 2019-2022 strategic plan included a key strategic goal to catalyse the water sector to meet future challenges. WRF convened a steering committee of water sector leaders to support implementation of this goal, resulting in a broad convening: Upstream Strategies: Future Water Research and Innovation Solutions.

The Upstream Strategies project convened over 120 expert participants virtually to identify future disruptors that will challenge the water sector over the next 10-20 years, as well as research activities that could turn these disruptors into opportunities, driving the water sector to better support the communities we serve.

Participants were organized in working groups corresponding to five challenge areas: Environmental Systems, Infrastructure, Utility Operations and Management, Economic, and Community Engagement. The effort generated over 3,000 unique ideas, which WRF synthesized into a series of easily accessible summary documents.

Disruptors and research opportunities are organised according to five Challenge Areas: Environmental Systems, Infrastructure, Utility Operations and Management, Economic, and Community Engagement.

Further information can be found here.

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