From Water Briefing
The Nature: Water theme seeks to highlight how governments, organisations and businesses across the world are responding to the increased risk of droughts and flooding, to enable communities to thrive in a warming world.
Led by non-state actors from business, investors, civil society, academia, cities and regions, it seeks to increase the focus on helping people adapt to climate change by sharing best practice and building collaboration, momentum and new opportunities on adaptation and resilience.
Further goals of the Hub include amplifying messages from COP and helping to set the direction for future action on adaptation and resilience beyond the conference.
The Hub will occupy a physical pavilion in the COP Blue Zone in the centre of Glasgow in parallel with COP from 1-12 November 2021, while a complementary virtual platform will run 24/7 to connect a global audience.
The COP Resilience Hub will also be the home of the UN High Level Champions Race to Resilience which seeks to catalyse action to build the resilience of four billion people by 2030. The Hub has ten themes and will support the objective of the COP26 President Alok Sharma on adaption to the impacts of climate change.