Guardian ‘Record number of beavers to be released in Britain this year
Industrious rodent to make a comeback in five counties where they have been extinct for centuries
A record number of beavers will be released by the Wildlife Trusts into Britain this year as the industrious mammal is restored to five counties where they have been extinct for hundreds of years.
The popular rodent, whose dams have been shown to boost hundreds of species of insects, amphibians, birds, fish and plants, is returning to Dorset, Derbyshire, Hampshire and the Isle of Wight, Nottinghamshire and Montgomeryshire.
Last year the government allowed free-living beavers unofficially let loose into the River Otter in Devon to remain there, but all licensed releases into the wild in England and Wales are into large enclosed areas. There are, however, other unofficial beaver populations living freely on some river systems.
In Scotland, the beaver was recognised as a native species again in 2016, and there is controversy over ongoing culls to reduce numbers.’