There have been an increasing number of articles on the idea that ‘recycling’ is the ultimate example of ‘greenwashing’, which is really having little or no effect on reducing our overall use of plastics in particular. Beyond Recycling, a consultation report sets out how Wales sees a route to significant reductions in waste and carbon.

Welsh Government: Beyond Recycling Consultation Evaluation and Summary Report

Executive Summary

Between December 2019 and April 2020, the Welsh Government consulted on a new circular economy strategy, Beyond Recycling.

  1. The consultation sought ideas and positive contributions to move Wales to become a zero waste, net zero carbon nation that uses its fair share of resources and seizes the economic opportunities from the transition to a circular economy. The term zero waste means 100% recycling and no residual waste. A Circular Economy is defined, in the context of this consultation, as keeping resources in use for as long as possible and avoiding waste. The consultation document is comprised of six key themes, with eight headline actions, centred on the aim of delivering a fairer, greener and more prosperous Wales.
  2. The consultation process consisted of two elements – face-to-face events and online responses – to ensure the broadest engagement of citizens and stakeholders across Wales and beyond. Around forty face-to-face events were carried out, including open invitation sessions and regional events tailored to specific audiences which included young people, local authorities, businesses, the waste sector, environmental groups, regulators, and academics. The online consultation received 220 responses via a web survey platform, email and hard copy. The analysis of both elements of the consultation process inform this summary report.
  3. Across the responses, there was general positivity to both moving towards a circular economy and the suggested Welsh Government actions as a means to achieve the aims. Whilst each response and event brought up its own discrete issues, common responses, perspectives and ideas on how Wales might achieve a circular economy were identified. Click here to read more

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