What now for the Water sector? – Future Water Blog by Paul Horton & Richard Laikin
‘Confusion & COVID-19
COVID-19 is leading companies to refocus onto short term operational priorities to maintain the flow of water and the sewerage system, and to assist customers through these very difficult times.
Companies may find it more difficult to meet their cost allowances, performance commitments and other regulatory requirements because of a shortage of both frontline and back office employees at work. Customers may behave differently, making it more difficult to meet, say, water efficiency targets. They may be less likely to pay their water bills because of pressure on finances. On the other hand, some pressures on water companies may ease – less economic activity means less pollution to deal with and potentially less water being pumped around the network; less traffic means less congestion when responding to emergency pipe network repairs.
Looking forward, change is the key word – the general economy has slowed down, major infrastructure schemes and projects are stopping, and the timing of the post-pandemic recovery is uncertain. This will play havoc with water companies’ demand and growth projections for the coming period and hence how their network and asset maintenance and development plans might need to be adjusted over the rest of the AMP. Many discretionary (or not time critical) projects and programmes could be put on the back burner during the pandemic period – and who knows which ones will be resurrected. Operationally, the sector will need to operate on the assumption that 20-30% of staff may not be available at the peak point of the pandemic.’ Click here to read more
Companies going further with COVID-19
Anglian Water turns on the tap with £1million fund for local communities
Anglian Water have today (14th April 2020) issued a Press Release announcing the launch of their £1 million Positive Difference Fund. Communities in the Anglian Water region are to receive a cash boost to fight the impacts of Coronavirus as the water company’s owners backed plans to establish a new £1 million community support fund. The Anglian Water Positive Difference Fund will be distributed through a locally appointed partner which has expertise in getting money quickly to areas in which it is most needed.
Fifty per cent of the fund will immediately be made available to support community organisations on the front line of the battle against coronavirus, with a further fifty per cent released to meet emerging needs later in the year. Organisations like food banks, outreach programmes and those helping the most vulnerable will be supported by the Positive Difference Fund.
The full Press Release can be read here