CRCWSC ‘Investment in water sensitive infrastructure is critical in transforming our cities to become more liveable, sustainable, resilient and prosperous. Both the public and private sector have a role in redesigning and improving water management as part of this transition to water sensitive, low carbon, green cities. Local government has a specific role in the transition to a water sensitive city, as the owner and manager of roads and a large amount of open space, and as a planning authority that oversees private development. Investing in water sensitive assets supports the transition to water sensitive cities and delivers multiple benefits including improved water quality, increased water quantity, and positive environmental and social outcomes. The benefits of these services are often not considered when making investment decisions due to a lack of monetised values for these services. The CRCWSC Integrated Research Project 2 (IRP2) aims to develop a comprehensive economic evaluation framework. It focuses on enabling authorities and local government to make better decisions and have more supporting evidence in understanding the overall economic value of these investments. The CRCWSC reviewed 700 studies of non-market valuations and completed new research into the community’s willingness to pay for water sensitive investments.
A business case should include the following issues (each discussed as a separate section): 1. The problem 2. The context 3. The options 4. The project 5. Business as usual 6. Costs 7. Benefits 8. Stakeholders 9. Timeframes 10. Assumptions Click here to read more
Benefit Cost Analysis Tool: Booklet of applied examples Authors Document developed by E2Designlab for the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities:
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