Environment Audit Committee: ‘The Report on Growing a circular economy: Ending the throwaway society will be published as the Environmental Audit Committee’s Third Report of Session 2014–15, HC 214, at 6.00 pm on Thursday 24 July 2014. Inquiry: Growing a circular economy’
Circular Economy Task Force Developing policy solutions for a circular economy
The Circular Economy Task Force is a government endorsed, business led group convened by Green Alliance. The Task Force’s first report, Resource resilient UK, has identified the barriers to business becoming more resilient, profitable and sustainable through better resource productivity, helping the UK to increase its resource security.
The task force is continuing to research the policy solutions that would enable businesses to make the necessary changes for a more circular economy, optimising the UK’s resource use.
Part of the work of the task force is our research into novel materials in January 2014, which is exploring the ways to improve the reusability and recoverability of novel materials, such as carbon fibre, metal matrix composites, and new plastics.
The impact of resources on the UK’s economy and on people is underestimated: The great resource price shock discusses the impacts of resource price volatility on the UK, demonstrating the consequences of not moving towards better resource productivity in the UK.
The eight members of the task force are: BASF, Boots, Interface, Kyocera, Unilever, Veolia, Viridor and WRAP.