The C40 Cities initiative works with cities across the world to “bold climate action, leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable future”. It has a useful network around urban flooding.
The C40 has undertaken a useful Benefits Research programme. The aim is to equip “C40 mayors with the evidence and tools to make the case for a much greater speed and scale of action, supporting cities to unlock action and avoid false trade-offs.”
It is focused on climate action and consists of the following work streams:
- Framing Benefits: Coordination, standardisation and mobilisation for global efforts on benefits research
- Modelling Global Benefits: Demonstrating global benefits of inclusive climate action to reset the meta-narrative
- Measuring City Benefits: Evidencing city and action-level benefits to equip cities with the data they need to establish a case for action
- Communicating the Case For Action: Supporting cities to use the data to make the case effectively in order to secure political and financial support
There is a useful Benefits Research Programme summary