Hot on the heels of the EAC starting work on a review by the Environmental Audit Committee – see link below, Defra have commenced a consultation.
Non-natives & impact on Freshwaters EAC committee take evidence – watch the video
‘Defra: Invasive alien species challenge the survival of some of our rarest species, and damage some of our most sensitive ecosystems. The impacts of invasive alien species on our domestic and global biodiversity are severe and growing. They also have an impact across a range of industries and networks, from farming to the building industry and national waterways.
The purpose of this consultation is to obtain your views on the management measures being considered by Defra and the Welsh Government for 14 species of Union concern which are widely spread in England and Wales pursuant to Article 19 of Regulation (EU) No. 1143/2014 on the prevention and management of the introduction and spread of invasive alien species.
For widely spread species of Union concern, the Regulation requires effective management measures to be put in place, so that their impact on biodiversity, the related ecosystem services and, where applicable, on human health or the economy are minimised. Management measures consist of lethal or non-lethal, physical, chemical or biological actions aimed at eradication, population control and containment of populations of species of Union concern. Click here to read more and access the consultation