‘Natural England has commissioned APEM to do new research to help assess the sensitivity of marine birds, fish and mammals to a range of pressures commonly resulting from human activity in the marine environment. Natural England is committed to providing conservation advice to support management of all English Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Often MPAs are large, busy, and complex working environments used for a range of commercial and recreational activities. The new advice packages will be a vital conservation and management tool, not only for Natural England, but also for all the other members of the marine community: industry, regulators and NGOs. The advice will be as easily accessible and as stakeholder-focused as possible. Most importantly, it will be clear; the conservation objectives and supplementary advice will translate into measures that can deliver real results ‘on the ground,’ to protect and enhance the internationally important habitats and features of the sites.’ Thanks to Matthew Sutcliff (APEM) & Heather Duncan Natural England for this.
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