MMO ‘This report Review of environmental data associated with post-consent monitoring of licence conditions of offshore wind farms (MMO 1031)examines outcomes and conclusions from monitoring regimes undertaken as a result of statutory requirements imposed on developers of offshore wind farms (OWFs) in UK waters through consent conditions.

Consent conditions are typically developed between the regulator (advisors and stakeholders) and developer as a project evolves. The terms of the consent conditions are translated into monitoring specifications which are required to be undertaken for defined durations. The consent conditions require that the outcomes of these monitoring programmes are subsequently reported to the regulator. The report aimed to:

Provide a review of the extent to which data collected through post-consent monitoring has enhanced the evidence base on direct and indirect impacts of OWFs both at the site, and generic level

Explore whether the rationale and objectives of the post-consent monitoring conditions are appropriate, proportionate and achievable, and whether monitoring strategies and licence conditions are presently fit for purpose or require amendment

Produce a list of recommendations to improve monitoring in the future and ensure that data collection is targeted at areas where the largest risks and uncertainties remain’

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