CaBA ‘Recently, science has been catching up with nature as two new publications have highlighted the importance for policy makers of ponds and small streams.
New paper ‘New policy directions for global pond conservation’, highlights the importance of ponds for freshwater biodiversity, noting that ‘Ponds are among the most biodiverse and ecologically important freshwater habitats’.
The second paper, ‘The importance of small waterbodies for biodiversity and ecosystem services: implications for policy makers’, broadens out the scope by considering the importance of small waters generally, covering ponds, small lakes, headwaters, small streams and springs, for ecosystem services and biodiversity. The Freshwater Habitats Trust are inviting partners and funders to help build the networks and projects needed to protect, manage and recreate small waters, which are a vital part of the freshwater habitat network. Alongside work to restore floodplain ecosystems these offer the quickest wins for freshwater life. As our approaches to water management are reshaped, we have a great opportunity to stop and reverse the decline of freshwater biodiversity.’