Invitation – Incentives and barriers to engaging with government institutions

Engagement between the UK research and policy communities on marine and coastal issues

Good morning,

You are invited to participate in an online survey exploring barriers to and incentives for collaborating with government institutions in general, and the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) in particular, on marine related issues.

Your input would be highly valuable. We hope to capture the thoughts and experiences of the full range of researchers who do or could collaborate with these institutions, and contribute to marine and coastal management issues. Thus responses from diverse communities and perspectives is essential.

The survey should take less than 10 minutes of your time. There will be optional follow up activities (interviews and workshops) which you may choose, but are certainly not required, to be involved in.

Thank you for your time, we greatly appreciate your input,
Katherine and Jacqui, NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellows

Dr Jacqueline Tweddle                                               Dr Katherine Yates

School of Biological Sciences                                    School of Environment and Life Sciences

Zoology Building                                                         Rm 321, Peel Building

University of Aberdeen                                              University of Salford

Tillydrone Avenue                                                       Salford, M5 4WT

Aberdeen, AB24 2TZ                                                                                         +44 (0)161 295 2403


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