MCS: ‘The Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS) 20th Beachwatch Big Weekend Results have been launched. In over two decades 3080km of coastline have been cleaned by our thousands of dedicated volunteers, and whom provide vital information on the state of litter found at our beaches across the UK. The results from this year follows the worrying trend of last year, with the amount of litter items per kilometre has again risen, with over 2300 litter items/km of beach surveyed across the whole of the UK. By the end of 2015, the UK government is required to deliver measures on reducing marine litter as part of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. The Marine Conservation Society is taking a pro-active approach, and has set up a Marine Litter Action Network, which will be launched in June 2014. It brings together key decision makers from across the sectors: plastics, waste, fisheries, retail and NGOs, to look at proactive and workable shared solutions. To read the report click here
April 1, 2014