The UK Plastics Pact is a trailblazing, collaborative initiative, delivered by WRAP, that will create a circular economy for plastics.  It brings together the entire plastics packaging value chain behind a common vision and ambitious set of targets. The Pact will stimulate innovative new business models to reduce the total amount of plastic packaging. It will also help build a stronger recycling system, where we take more responsibility for our own waste, and ensure plastic packaging can be effectively recycled and made into new products and packaging and, with the support of governments, ensure consistent UK recycling is met.

The immediate focus will be on identifying the priority projects that will deliver greatest impacts in the short and long term, such as overcoming barriers to increasing the amount of recycled content used in new packaging, developing reusable packaging and working with partners to overcome the issue of un-recyclable black plastic.  The UK Plastics Pact, led by WRAP, is the first of a global network of such pacts, enabled by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s New Plastics Economy initiative. Click here for more details of the pact

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