Three articles: gas cloud, palm oil and emissions

Gas cloud BBC The source of a chemical haze that hit the south coast last summer was most likely a ship, a wreck or lost cargo in the Channel, a Defra report has said.

More than 150 people needed hospital treatment on 27 August after gas engulfed Birling Gap beach in Sussex. The report said no gas samples were taken, but Eastbourne MP Stephen Lloyd said there was no equipment available. He called for monitoring and equipment in case a similar event happens again.

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Palm oil on Thanet beaches

A warning has been issued to dog walkers today (February 7) after the discovery of yet more palm oil on Thanet beaches .

An alert has been put out on social media and the Thanet council website and warning notices have been put up along the coastline.

There have been reported sightings at Botany Bay and St Mildred’s Bay.

Palm oil deposits, which are white lumpy substances, have been occurring more frequently following winter storms over the last couple of years, and may be better described as ‘mineral and vegetable oils’ – as palm oil is only one type.

Palm Oil is toxic to dogs. The yellow/white boulders of congealed oil smell similar to diesel. The high toxin count of the oil leads to vomiting and diarrhoea and can be fatal.

Shipping emissions

The Independent Digital this weekend splashed on a story highlighting a rise in emissions from ships.

Analysis presented in a National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory (NAEI)report to the government concluded shipping is a greater source of pollution in Britain than estimates made in 2014 suggested.

This is primarily due to new methodology based on improved coverage of domestic shipping activity, including the use of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data and the inclusion of new vessel types not covered by the previous estimates (such as offshore industry vessels).

The new methodology will provide more reliable data on emissions from shipping and inform the development of options to reduce them.

A government spokesperson said:

“We have consistently pressed for the most stringent international controls in high risk areas such as the North Sea and English Channel, and have seen shipping emissions fall through regulatory standards.

“This year we will publish a comprehensive clean air strategy which will set out further steps to tackle air pollution across all sources, including emissions from ships.”

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