02 Jun 2020

The past is not always the best guide to the future and proactive steps are needed to ensure the UK’s infrastructure can remain resilient, according to a new report by the National Infrastructure Commission. The Commission has set out a new framework to help support change across infrastructure sectors and is calling for transparent standards […]

02 Jun 2020

The Ferret ‘ The Scottish Government is under growing pressure to act after confirmation that 87 beavers have been shot under licence in the eight months since they were given official protected status.  A report published on 28 May by the government’s wildlife agency, Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), details shootings by farmers and landowners in Tayside in 2019. […]

02 Jun 2020

Met Office statistics – May 2020 Sunniest on record  extremely low rainfall Rainfall weekly reports – Environment Agency – May 29th BBC Severn Trent: ‘High demand’ leaves thousands without water Thousands of people have been left without water because lockdown and the warm weather have led to a surge in demand, a supplier has said. […]

02 Jun 2020

Watch the video with Emma Howard-Boyd https://twitter.com/i/status/1267448311646236675 Green projects given support to attract private sector investment New investment approach announced to involve private sector in environmental projects, helping to tackle climate change and restore nature. Four projects which will protect and restore valuable habitats have been selected to receive funding in a pilot scheme to […]

02 Jun 2020

Exactly the sort of innovation water companies need to be embracing’: battery storage system installed at Preston plant Two units “the size of shipping containers” are set to optimise onsite solar, provide power resilience and reduce emissions at the wastewater plant, which services 260,000 homes and businesses in North West England. A 2MW battery storage […]

02 Jun 2020

The need for climate change adaptation has become widely recognised in the last 20 years. The environmental sector was one of the first to identify the need and to start developing approaches to adaptation. Initially much of the focus was on identifying general principles. This was an essential first step, but adaptation needs to be […]

26 May 2020

Anglian Water    ‘Anglian Water Chief asks “How we can use what we’ve learnt to ‘build back better’ than before?”  As recently appointed co-chair of the Corporate Leaders Group, Anglian Water Chief Executive Peter Simpson shares his thoughts on the role of big business in tacking climate change when we emerge from a locked-down world.  Peter Simpson […]