The EU Water Innovation Conference 2019 concluded last week in Zaragoza, the capital of the Spanish Aragon region, bringing together over 700 professionals. Water Europe set out its highlights from the event here. According to Water Europe, “the conference succeeded in raising awareness of the need and urgency to improve water management, in taking stock […]

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The excellent Valuing Nature Programme “aims to better understand and represent the complexities of the natural environment in valuation analyses and decision making. It will consider the economic, societal and cultural value of ecosystem services”. Latest outputs include New reports from the Demystifying series. These bring together experts to explain key concepts and agree on principles […]

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Using the Enforcement Undertaking route, see the Severn example below, Water Companies in particular are providing funds for a wide variety of restoration projects carried out by NGOs as a result of their pollution. Enforcement undertakings:–2 Severn Trent Water has paid more than £220,000 to a charity after sewage pollution caused the death of […]

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New CIRIA guidance ‘Delivering better water management through the planning system (C787)’ showcases good planning policies and critical success factors necessary to deliver better environmental, social and economic outcomes, guiding practitioners through the processes that underpin their delivery. Download the free guidance outputs from here. FREE DOWNLOAD: Add to cart and check out to receive […]

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Defra:  ‘ENV09 – England biodiversity indicators A strategy for England’s wildlife and ecosystem services, biodiversity 2020 indicators: 2019 assessment. In December 2019, this dataset was updated in order to correct an error in indicator 13 and to reflect the availability of new data for indicators 2b, 4c and 19. The revised dataset supersedes the earlier […]

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This Policy Position Statement (PPS) explains the importance of soils and the threats which they face. It recommends actions to address these threats. Concerted action is needed to protect soils. Their needs should be reflected in the policies and actions of all relevant stakeholders, both private and public. CIWEM supports the implementation of the 25 […]

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