Setting out how regulatory bodies can co-ordinate the separate processes for coastal development consents in England. The coastal concordat sets out the separate processes for consenting coastal developments in England. This revised version replaces the original published on 11 November 2013. It supports decision-making between Local Authorities and those regulators who work in the marine […]

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Carbon Brief  ‘This year’s annual UN climate conference, COP25 in Madrid, became the longest on record when it concluded after lunch on Sunday, following more than two weeks of fraught negotiations. It had been scheduled to wrap up on Friday. Nearly 27,000 delegates arrived in the Spanish capital in early December aiming to finalise the “rulebook” of […]

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BBC ‘An £8bn barrage across Morecambe Bay has sparked renewed division among councillors. The barrage and bridge would span Morecambe Bay between Barrow in Cumbria and Heysham in Lancashire. It was first discussed in 2004. Barrow Council Labour member Beverly Morgan said it would “kill” the town. However, Conservative councillor Alan Pemberton said it was […]

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A landmark Greenpeace report today highlights our reliance on the ocean as Earth’s largest carbon sink. It warns that our changing climate, biodiversity loss and habitat destruction are endangering the processes which underpin the ocean’s ability to sequester and store carbon. This will have ‘far-reaching implications for biodiversity and humankind’. The report, In Hot Water: The […]

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The European Commission said today that it will not take emergency measures this winter to tackle the tragic death of dolphins caught in fishing nets. Last winter, around 1200 cetaceans – almost all identified as common dolphins – washed ashore along the French Atlantic coast. 85 percent of these dolphins died after being caught up in […]

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Open Seas ‘We have published a ‘Discard Dossier’ in collaboration with Our Fish providing evidence that illegal discarding continues in the Scottish prawn (scampi) fishery and is threatening the recovery of our already collapsed fish stocks. Here’s the executive summary: In 2013 the ‘discard ban’ or Landing Obligation was agreed to reduce and record the amount of […]

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